About Our Organization

Case Management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care co-ordination, evaluation and advocacy for options and services to meet an organization’s, individual’s and family’s comprehensive health needs through communication and available resources to promote patient safety, quality of care, and cost effective out-comes.
The demands of managed care and the pressure on all sectors to be more efficient and effective managers of cost of care have created the vital and compelling need for the professional management of an episode of care (a case).

As a result, Case Management has evolved and developed into an imperative function within the health care industry. The role of the Case Manager has now become one of a clinical practitioner specialist in the co-ordination of care and the resultant outcomes of quality care and cost.

The professional Case Manager of today is expected to support the bottom line by assisting in the delivery of quality care. To achieve this the case Manager needs to be appropriately qualified, skilled and experienced in order to deliver the expectation and the value.

CMAKE therefore, in recognizing the value that Case Managers bring to an organization and strongly believes that there needs to be comprehensive supporting structures in both formal education and informal communication together with the establishment of a new professional category for the personal and career development of individual who have taken on the challenge of becoming Case Managers. CMAKE is presently part of a process to consolidate formal training for Case Managers practicing in Kenya. More on this subject will be published soon. Case Management Association of Kenya (CMAKE) is a registered section 21 company (not-for-profit) association, promoting professionalism, ethical values and excellence through education, networking and support for the individual Case Manager and the collective development of Case Management in Kenya.

Founded in 2020, CMAKE is dedicated to the support and development of the profession of Case Management. It plans to achieve its goals through active member participation, educational forums, networking opportunities, awarding best performance in case management, annual conferencing, legislative advocacy and establishing standards of practice to advance the profession.

We believe our core values are reflected and reinforced though our words and actions.

To encourage membership by all practicing Case Managers in all sectors of the health care industry including medical insurance firms, private hospitals, government hospitals, broker’s, in-house medical schemes and managed care organizations.

Code Of Ethics

Our mantra

We believe the expertise and judgment of professionals are critical to success. We maintain the highest professional standards and we expect the status, compensation and respect due to all professionals

Definition of Case Management

Case Management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care co-ordination, evaluation and advocacy for options and services to meet an organization’s, individual’s and family’s comprehensive health needs through communication and available resources to promote patient safety, quality of care, and cost effective out-comes.

The role of the case manager in this New normal era is constantly evolving and thus placing a higher demand on the case manager’s advocacy role to all stakeholders. It is with this in mind that we shift focus to the general wellbeing of the case managers and inclusively enrich the care manager, to ensure that they remain healthy and balanced